[Japanese] [English]
Heartbleed is a catastrophic bug in OpenSSL:
“The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the Internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used to identify the service providers and to encrypt the traffic, the names and passwords of the users and the actual content. This allows attackers to eavesdrop communications, steal data directly from the services and users and to impersonate services and users.
If you have not done so already, we recommend you immediately take the steps in the following site.
Our Suport Site : OpenSSL heartbleed CVE-2014-0160
ownCloud on AWS
owncloud.jp launch ownCloud in collaboration with AWS (Amazon Web Services) on AWS Marketplace.
There are OSS and business versions. OSS version can be implemented for free on AWS Marketplace. However, please note that AWS fee, such as EC2 and S3, will be charged.
ownCloud on AWS is Easy to Install
Go to AWS Marketplace, it is automatically installed with the click of a launch.
Password of initial account (admin), please check the following steps from EC2 dashboard control panel
1. [Instance Settings] -> to select the [Get System Log]
2. check the value [owncloud admin password]
ownCloud on AWS Support
owncloud.jp is operated by StyleZ Corporation and we provide a full range of support.
Stylez is an ownCloud official SilverPartner. Our support includes, but is not limited to, application development, infrastructure design and construction, system monitoring and maintenance.
Pricing information and details regarding our support tiers is available below.To request paid support, please inform from the bottom form “Contact us” on this page.
Zabbix is installed in ownCloud on AWS and allows us to provide monitoring services.BGT is a Zabbix certified partner.
Amazon Web Services, the “Powered by Amazon Web Services” logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.